Friday, July 10, 2009

How to lead a normal life after being diagnosed HIV positive?

Don't press the panic button in case your HIV reports have just tested positive. The world will not come crashing down. You have to be bold enough to take on the world with a positive mindset. Just remember that you are not the only one infected; and with the improvement in science and technology, the virus can be controlled. Although a permanent cure does not exist you can live normally with a few precautions in mind.

Your friends and family should be taken into confidence. Their support will guide you a long way. Lift your morale and try taking advice or a counselor or a social worker who works in this field. Talking will help you to relieve you of the stress and anxiety you face initially. Education holds the key in keeping yourself updated about the disease and its effects on you. There are several informative websites on the internet which can guide you. Take guidance of your local health department. Your immune system is the worst affected because of this disease so visit the doctor every week or fortnight.

It is the most dreaded disease because it attacks your immune system and makes you susceptible to a lot of other ailments. The Viral Load test and the CD4 test are reliable tests that give the doctor an accurate idea of how much HIV virus is in your bloodstream. It is the viral test that determines the intensity of virus that is present in your bloodstream and the CD4 test that can find out how strong your immune system is at the time of the test.

HIV (human immunodeficiency syndrome) is definitely not a contagious disease and it cannot be spread through hugging, sharing the toilet seat or sharing utensils. Your family should also do a research on this topic so that they are at ease. HIV carrier is transmitted via the sharing of contaminated needles, from an HIV infected mother to baby during birth or due to breastfeeding. The main source of transmission is sex with an infected partner.

The huge variety of medicines available today for controlling this disease can be confusing. Rely on your medical consultant. Century old traditional practices like acupuncture and some herbs are known to cure cancer but it is only a myth. They may give you some relief or benefit but consult a renowned practitioner.

If you are feeling isolated and left alone join some voluntary organization that deals in the uplifted of people affected by HIV/AIDS. These services might also give you the confidence to carry on your life normally. There are a lot of people who carry this deadly virus, who run such organizations and help people in distress.

Prayers can comfort you at this juncture and have faith in God, the almighty.

About the Author: John Mahoney runs, a health related blog dedicated to provide all the information about HIV and AIDS. Check out this blog to know more about what to do if you are diagnosed HIV positive and signs of HIV infection.

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